No one feeds us better than a grandmother
No one feeds us better than a grandmother

No one feeds us better than a grandmother

So today,

utensils clash in her honor.
Butter is frying, dishes are simmering and timers are ringing.
Seasonal vegetables are always in the pantry
A return to simplicity, to local cuisine.
Our products are good and their quality is undisputed :
Beef from Aubrac, Roquefort, Laguiole, lamb from Larzac...
Our cuisine is an institution that has been passed down from generation to generation.

The happiness of home-made food that warms the body and the heart. A family spirit, a welcome like at home. The promise of a moment. Léonie opens her kitchen to us...

L'Aveyron fait maison

Home-made Aveyron

Coufidou, Aligot, Farçous, Pâté en croûte...
We haven't even sat down to eat yet and it already smells like Aveyron at Léonie’s.
The dishes are served as at home.
Here we cook like we talk. Simple and frank.
You never leave with an empty stomach but always with a full heart.
The small producers, the fresh products and the local sourcing, all that, it’s not a show-off.
It's the common sense of our grandmothers. We call it responsible cooking.

Local sourcing

The local sourcing is to value a mode of sale limiting the number of intermediaries. At Léonie we are the direct contact with the breeders and producers of our region. We have selected them for
their commitment, the quality of their products and their respect for animals. To consume is therefore "to know who you buy from and what you buy".

Local sourcing

Charcoal grills

Léonie loved the crackle of the fire, the smell of the wood and the bright light. But that's not all! Her favorite way to cook good Aubrac beef was over an open fire. So we went in search of the best of the best: our partner Mibrasa has equipped us with an ember oven for perfect working and cooking. It may seem like nothing, but it enhances the taste of our various meats, fish and market vegetables. And bonus: the whole thing is fuelled by vegetable charcoal, which adds even more flavor!

grillades à la braise

Environmental respect

Responsible cooking is sustainable, ethical, respectful of the environment and anti-waste. Léonie's is by essence. And the teams implement other little things as well.
We favor organizations that have the least carbon impact : transportation, delivery, light packaging, control of electrical consumption, French charcoal... and selective sorting : glass, aluminum, cardboard.
And we think to improve even more!

Environmental respect

The shop

Raw produce from the Aveyron region: that's what Léonie is all about. She loves to share, and above all, she loves to showcase local products. So you'll find pâtés, cheeses, wines, local ham, jams and much more in Léonie's boutique, just inside the restaurant entrance!

(Don't be shy, show us what you'd like)

The shop